Saturday, December 15, 2018

A Libertine Christmas 2018

Dear Libertine Fallen,
The new Libertine Christmas Gacha set is out and you can find it in a number of locations below. Free copy balls are available in many other locations, under friend's trees and events. I hope you'll enjoy and have a lovely time decorating this year,

IMPORTANT: To use the Decorations you need 2017 Update 3.0 (No need for a recent update)
More about the Yule season here

Gacha Locations:
Temple Showroom /Teleport
Libertine Sky Showroom / Teleport
Redeux Teleport
Winter's Hollow / Teleport 
Twisted Krissmus / Teleport 
Dandelion Winterdreams Factory / Teleport

The complete Gacha Includes: 2 RARES, 49 commons, 1 secret.

GLASS BALLS PACK: 18 versions, all commons
Includes Interactive, standalone and decor Ribbon, Display, high display, wreaths, nature wreaths, broken (modify)
SILK BALLS PACK: 7 versions, all commons
Includes Interactive, standalone with Holly and Ribbon (modify)
DIORAMA BALLS PACK: 4 versions, all commons
Includes rezzable Diorama ornament and invasive wearable Diorama ornament (with resizer)
RIBBON PACK: 7 versions, all commons
Includes Bell Ornament and, Frame Ornament with two ribbon styles (modify)
CANDLE PACKS: 4 versions, all commons
Includes Interactive and decorative (with resizer)
TOPPER PACKS: 1 versions, common
Includes Interactive and standalone, enables music on tree and as standalone decor.
FURNITURE: Decorator's Stool, 7 commons and 1 rare
Luxury Edition RARE: Includes Texture change system (All 7 textures) - Female single sits (11), Male single sits (11), Seasonal single animations (7), Couple animations (25), Adult foreplay (5), Adult action (11)
Color Commons: Includes Female single sits (6), Male single sits (6), Seasonal single animations (7)
DECOR: 3 items, 2 commons, 1 rare, 1 secret
Ornament's Heirloom Chest (RARE) and Empty Chest.

Fallen Gods Inc. & Libertine Gifts differ in each location
There are a few gifts that are the same in each location, but a few change and those are Libertine Baubles and a few set of Fallen Gods Inc. Tattoos. An additional set of gifts is this year's Yule Thoughts that also can be found in different locations, see previews below.