Friday, May 25, 2018

The Cabinet of Treasures

Dear Fallen Libertine,
With my wishes for an Eggcellent Friday,
Alia Baroque

~Libertine~ Collectable Egg 63 "Chronos" 
Collectable Egg N.63 (5li.) - Stand (3li.) Included - Copy/NoMod - Beam On/off
IMPORTANT: by Purchasing this Special Egg you will Get A Notecard Update whenever and only when a new Collectable Egg is available -  Regular Sale / 30L$

~Libertine~ Collectable Egg 64 "Carmina, XVI" 
Collectable Egg N.64 - li.9, Copy
Special Edition. Home & Garden expo 2018 - Sale to Benefit RFL of SL / 150L$

~Libertine~ Collectable Egg 65 "Gratia" 
Collectable Egg N.65 - li.7, Copy or Transfer by request - In collaboration with MeadowWorks
Special Edition, only Two Max. Copies Available every Year - On Silent Auction to benefit RFL of SL (Location SLurl Still awaiting setup by Expo Team)

~Libertine~ Cardinal Virtues cabinet 
Includes: Cabinet (12li), Automatic/non-automatic Doors
Copy/modify - Materials - Ideal for Libertine Egg and yule Collections (Sample Items on shelves NOT INCLUDED) - Regular Sale / 480L$

Your carriage:

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Special Invite

A special Gift and Invite for a Fallen (group Gift), for a Libertine (Major sets Patrons) and for a Homeless (Owners of Villa Maestrale Keys). Hope you enjoy and thanks for your support,

Your carriage:

Monday, May 21, 2018

A Libertine Expo, 2018

Dear Fallen Libertine,
Excuse my usual late notice, but we are indeed glad to invite you to this year Home and Garden Expo: no formal attire needed, just a good wallet to support our favourite charity and an open mind towards the depravity of soul and sense.
...but my dear fallen libertine, there are indeed things that you requested, more things that were lost and are back, filled with the scent of roses, and special things that just one can achieve.... and dear fallen libertine, there's even out of season things for those that are enamored with the fir and the bells.

So come visit the new garden and retreat, full of promises I never maintain and perhaps gifts you might be lucky to find. With the hope of a pleasant stay,
Alia Baroque

And if you are into Eggs, there will be Eggs.